Social and enviroment policy
We aim to be an environmentally friendly Company and it is our intention to promote a policy that is focused on being green aware. A culture will be fostered within the company that ensures all employees understand they can make a significant contribution to the Company being an environmentally friendly and green aware company.
The Company’s policy is to comply or exceed the requirements of environmental legislation and regulation.
The specifics of the company environmental policy are as follows:
- The Company will review and explore measures for the reduction of volumes of all waste materials generated by the Company;
- The Company will explore opportunities for recycling all possible waste materials. Our ultimate aim will be to recycle any waste material that can be recycled;
- The Company will aim to reduce levels of energy consumption. The Company will introduce working practices that requires computers, lights, photocopiers, printers to be “switched off” when not in use. The Company will also ensure that heating, lighting and ventilation are used efficiently and effectively;
- The Company will aim to purchase energy efficient products where possible and appropriate;
- Additionally, the Company will explore whether environmentally friendly products can be purchased when buying any equipment for use within the company;
- The Company will review opportunities and consider implementing measures for the reduction of the use of water;
- The Company will aim to reduce levels of pollution emissions wherever possible;
- The Company will ensure that all employees are made aware and have access to a copy of this environmental policy. The Company will regularly review the policy to ensure that we are a green aware and environmentally friendly organisation.
- The Company’s policy is to comply or exceed the requirements of environmental legislation and regulation.